Fall to You (Here and Now, #2) (2024)

Jessica's Totally Over The Top Book Obsession

1,211 reviews3,525 followers

October 29, 2019

**********************Spoilers Ahead*****************************************

Okay I'm going to keep this real short so I can hop right into the next book. I really liked this book I took a star off though because I didn't like that Hanna jumped into bed with Max after thinking Nate was killed. For f*ck sake I wanted her to wait for Nate. I'm totally team Nate. I did like Max a little more in this book but I still think he isn't the right one for Hanna there is just too much past hurt! I'm off to book 3 now :)

    contemporary-romance read-in-2018


733 reviews352 followers

July 15, 2014

WOW!! This one had me glued to my freaking Ipad!
Fall to You (Here and Now, #2) (3)

This book gives us Hanna, Max and Nate's POV. Also before and after the amnesia!

Fall to You (Here and Now, #2) (4)

So I'm not going to give anything away! But OH LAWD there was quite a lot of questions from book 1 answered.

Nate: Nate was NOT completely honest with Hanna when she asked questions about their relationship/past. Nate was always upfront with her, prior to amnesia, and never promised her anything. He's not a complete asshole, he has a valid reason for how he feels, in his own mind.

"I want her to ask me for things I've told her I can't give"

Max: Oh boy, he really has to dig himself out of a hole in this book. There are many things that come out slowly. Some of them hurtful to Hanna, and some of them hurtful to Max.

See, Hanna was always "fat" before amnesia and she couldn't reconcile how Max was with her. He said all the right things, she could believe it when she looked in his eyes. But Max never made her "feel" beautiful or physically wanted. Nate, spoke the words and gave in his actions. That was a huge difference between the two men. The weight loss was a recent thing, so even though she was now skinny, she still didn't see herself that way. Lots of insecurities.

"I fell so hard for her. I mean, it's like she looked at me and saw this amazing man, and suddenly I wanted to be that guy. I wanted to be better. To earn it. Does that make sense?"

Secrets involving Meredith come out. Secrets involving her twin Lizzie. sh*t, it seems everyone had secrets. Who played what part in hurting Hanna? What part did Hanna play in hurting others? I have to say the book did a great job of making you like Max and Nate, for completely different reasons. Normally I am hooked on one guy and that's it. But I was really conflicted with these two.
There was definitely a heavy dose of angst. There's actually several bombs dropped and it changes the course of the story. Once I was resinged to one thing,,BAM!!

"Love isn't easy. Not the good kind"

That ending though, I knew it!
Fall to You (Here and Now, #2) (5)
Fall to You (Here and Now, #2) (6)
I am impatiently waiting for book 3 now......


Jennifer Kyle

2,496 reviews5,340 followers

August 4, 2014

”How is it that four weeks ago I woke up to my dream life and every day it becomes more of a nightmare.”

This sequel is a complete anxiety ridden read! I don’t think I can stop till I get to the last page of book 3 but my poor heart can’t take the stress much longer…

Fall to You (Here and Now, #2) (8)

I thought I had a good handle on this story but Lexi Ryan keeps brilliantly adding to the drama and so I have my theories but…

Fall to You (Here and Now, #2) (9)

I’m completely addicted and so no time for a full review till I get to the end of this series. I'll be back.


656 reviews1,468 followers

August 4, 2014

Fall to You (Here and Now, #2) (11)

I need to know what is going to happen. Damn cliffhangers!!


547 reviews100 followers

April 30, 2015

Fall to You (Here and Now, #2) (13)
Fall to You (Here and Now, #2) (14)

Fall to You (Here and Now, #2) (15)
Fall to You (Here and Now, #2) (16)
Fall to You (Here and Now, #2) (17)

Fall to You (Here and Now, #2) (18)

Fall to You (Here and Now, #2) (19)


Emma Hart

Author106 books7,533 followers

May 21, 2014

I love this woman. But I also hate her for this book. I'm completely hungover from it. Either way, she blows my mind with her words every single time. Now give me book 3. *snaps fingers*


3,781 reviews521 followers

July 27, 2019

Fall to You (Here and Now, #2) (22)

In book one we have a quite interesting plotline. Yes, it is a typical old school angsty New Adult but with some mystery in it and a couple of characteristics of the genre that at times make me crazy.
So book one was little but out there for me still I enjoyed it.

But two....
Well, book two is like book one but on crack.

Fall to You (Here and Now, #2) (23)

The things we have in this series; amnesia, accidental pregnancy, death then resurrection of a character, vicious ex-girlfriend, ugly duckling, rock stars, and holy grail of them all- triangle.
But not just regular no...in this one heroine loves both guys, depending on the fact which of the two men is closer to her.

Fall to You (Here and Now, #2) (24)

There is also more flashback so we get some clues about what happened when the heroine had an accident and lost her memory. But not all of them don't you worry after all there is book three.

Hanna is the worst heroine ever. Ever. Someone, please name someone worse than her! I dare you!
She just can't make up her mind.

Fall to You (Here and Now, #2) (25)

Well, I read it so the joke is on me..

This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.

    eye-roll new-adult smh


647 reviews29.1k followers

June 10, 2014

4 - Team Nate - stars!

I love this series! Hanna's story is gut-wrenching and frustrating at times, but so sexy. Especially, Nate.

There were so many unanswered questions at the end of Lost In Me that I couldn't wait to get my hands on this book. I devoured it in one sitting. I was surprised by some of the twists and that one of the major question was left unanswered. How did Hanna end up at the bottom of the stairs? Who was involved? I thought for sure we were going to find out.

"You're too sweet for a mess like me, but every second I stand here smelling your perfume, touching your perfect body, my control slip another notch."
I had a feeling that as more of the story was revealed, Max, would redeem himself. And he did that somewhat, but my heart is still with Nate. Did I mention I'm Team Nate? I'm going to be so CRUSHED if she doesn't end up with him in the end. Totally CRUSHED!
"You're this angel that could tempt a saint, and I'm no saint."
I just can't let go of some of the things that Max did to Hanna, so in my mind he is not the one for her. Apparently, Hanna doesn't see things the way I do because she is still torn between the two. She made some questionable decisions toward the end of the book that left me really frustrated. I can't wait to find out how this series is going to end.

4/5 Fangs
MrsLeif's Two Fangs About It


1,911 reviews1,066 followers

May 10, 2015

Initial reaction: I don't know what to think about this series still. More formulaic than the first book, but at least I got to know Max and Nate a little more in this book than the last, and it kept me reading. It backtracks to the timeline before Hannah's memory loss, so I was glad for the answers.

But I didn't like the switching of POVs that much, the sensual scenes overtook the potential development of the story, and I felt like reading this dragged me through the mud too much. Still thinking about the rating on this one, but it'll likely be 1.5 -2 stars. I'll finish out the series, though.

Full review:

"Fall to You" did keep me reading, but what made me angry is that it falls right into the typical, cliche NA storyline with heavy melodrama. Too much of this book was hampered down by superfluous sex scenes that made the read longer than it should've, plus so much headhopping that the pacing slowed to a crawl. But I'll admit I appreciate Lexi Ryan's writing and attention to the character emotions.

To make this a short review, this book answered questions that were lingering in "Lost in Me" - including a contradiction in the last book's ending that just turned out to be misinformation/a product of lying (a cheap trick from a narrative standpoint, but I ran with it, nonetheless). Hannah backtracks through her past up until the five days before she had her accident. Much of it had to do with her body insecurities and emotional challenges which led her between relationships with Max and Nate. Max and Nate felt less cardboard in construction in this novel, that much I appreciated. I felt like I got to know them more as the narrative went on, for their own insecurities and their affections for Hannah, but they're equally as flawed, and all of them I could say provided a fair amount of frustration for me as I read this.

I wasn't a big fan of the constant headhopping the narrative did with Nate and Max. Most of the time, their perspectives were to accomodate the different POVs of sex scenes, which I didn't like because it was unnecessary and took away from the pacing of the story. However, their POVs did help when it came to dealing with their barriers to having a full relationship with Hanna (Max and his relationship with Meredith, while Nate had his own insecurities and his distant relationship with his own family.) There were parts of the narrative I connected with, while others repelled me for the melodrama.

I did not like a certain revelation that was handed down regarding Nate. If it were more permanent and less like a narrative device for melodrama, I could've bought it for real, but it was just a clear motivation to make this series into a trilogy. For the drawn out narration, head-hopping, and melodrama, this gets 1.5 stars from me, but I"m still going to finish out the series. I want to know how this series ends, but I'm honestly not expecting it to deviate from the New Adult formula. It's a shame, because while this story had a complicated form in its trading, it wasn't necessarily complex, and I think delving into that complexity (in the relationships, the emotions, the character backgrounds) could've made this much better read, and Ryan had moments of that in this narrative that just weren't realized enough.

Overall score: 1.5/5 stars.

    audiobooks contemporary drama

Danielle - Books and Motherhood

89 reviews5 followers

June 2, 2014

I am loving what Lexi Ryan is doing with this series. I experienced such a huge range of emotions while reading Fall to You that I've been going crazy waiting to have someone to talk about it. There are so many different scenarios I can think of for the conclusion of this series. I'm not sure which will happen, but I do know which outcome I want!

The timeline was a little disappointing at first. I was expecting Fall to You to pick up right where Lost in Me left off. I obviously was anxious to get more details about THAT cliffhanger but I loved all the extra back story so much that I really didn't mind waiting for more info. The story flowed really really well and I never felt lost or confused. Lexi masterfully gave us the right amount of information at just the right time to keep the story moving along in a very captivating way. I really couldn't put it down. If it weren't for life's commitments it would of been a marathon read for sure!

I'm thankful that the wait for the conclusion of the Hear and Now series, All for This, isn't far off. Its expected out in August 2014. Let me tell you Fall to You ended with a doozy of a cliffie! Talk about making the readers sit on the edge of their seat in anticipation of book 3. It was the perfect ending and it went down EXACTLY how I wanted to to!


Crystal _ Reading Between the Wines Book Club

1,463 reviews328 followers

November 24, 2014

4.5 Stars

Fall To You is a sexy, edge-of-your-seat thriller and sizzling hot romance that I could not put down! Be prepared when you pick this book/series up, because it will be a one-sitting read. The series kicked off with a bang with Lost In Me and it's held nothing back going into Fall To You. I was enthralled by the tale Lexi Ryan has spun here; work, text messages, emails, hungry children...these things meant nothing to me while reading!

See our full review of this title at Reading Between the Wines Book Club

Fall To You should not be read as a stand-alone, you must read the first book Lost In Me to understand anything that is going on, and you'll be dying for the third book, All For This! I know I am! Oh yeah, and #TEAMNATE!!!!! ☺

    genre-contemporary-romance genre-new-adult length-novel

Il confine dei libri

4,616 reviews150 followers

January 24, 2020

Ciao readers,
Sono di nuovo qui perché non potevo abbandonare la serie di Lexi Ryan “Un cuore non basta”.
Sono al secondo volume, “Verità Scambiate”, e voglio parlarvene prima di iniziare il terzo e ultimo.
Hanna inizia a recuperare i ricordi e il suo unico pensiero è fare una scelta.
Il problema è che ama entrambi e non sa con chi passare il resto della sua vita. Grazie ai salti temporali torniamo ai giorni prima dell'incidente, eppure non riesce ancora a ricordare come sia caduta dalle scale.
In questo volume i PoV sono tre, quelli di Hanna, Nate e Max, che conosceremo meglio.
Se nel primo libro risulta un personaggio ambiguo e mi ha fatto tifare per Nate, adesso rivaluteremo il personaggio. È davvero innamorato di Hanna e fa per lei qualunque cosa per renderla felice, anche a costo di rovinarsi.
Da questo punto in poi, se non avete letto il primo libro, vi consiglieri di non continuare la lettura della recensione perché potrebbero esserci spoiler.
Hanna non deve solo scegliere con quale uomo stare, ma anche scoprire con chi è andata a letto ed è rimasta incinta.
Nei suoi ricordi, e in ciò che le hanno raccontato Nate e Max in precedenza, lei è ancora vergine.
Chi dei due avrà mentito?
Diciamo che a livello temporale non ci muoviamo troppo perché la cosa più importante nella storia è recuperare i ricordi della donna, ma specialmente approfondire personaggi che credavamo di conoscere.
Ammetto che io non avrei avuto dubbi su chi scegliere, amo Nate. Il loro amore è passionale, animale e puro.
Ho un nodo allo stomaco. «E tu
desideri che lui ti aspetti?».
«Non dovrei, ma sì».
«Allora immagino mi resti solo un’altra domanda da fare. Perché sei qui con me?».
Mi guarda negli occhi. «Perché
volevo dire sì, e tu mi ricordi perché devo dire no».
Il loro lo definisco un colpo di fulmine, a differenza della relazione con Max.
Io non giudico i suoi errori perché sono fuori dalla relazione con Hanna, ma se li ha commessi è perché non ha sentito subito la scintilla con lei.
Sarà il mio "romanticismo", ma un uomo che ti sbatte al muro e ti fa passare qualunque insicurezza sul tuo corpo (perché ogni donna ne ha) vince sempre. Io continuo a tifare per Nate ad ogni pagina e vorrei che Max facesse qualche errore per allontanare Hanna, ma non posso negare che si comporta da uomo innamorato.
Max è una certezza, Nate è un ciclone instabile. Cosa farei al posto di Hanna? Non ne ho la più pallida idea, ma dopo il finale aperto e sconvolgente mi auguro che la scelta non sia così scontata.
Ho divorato il libro grazie alla bravura dell'autrice, che ci dà subito ciò che vogliamo: risposte.
Non perdete tempo, correte a leggere questo volume. Io non mi fermerò fino a quando non avremo un lieto fine.
Buona lettura.



43 reviews11 followers

April 29, 2018

Meredith TI ODIO.



748 reviews49 followers

October 6, 2016

Overall rating: 4 stars

Genre: Contemporary Romance
Plot: 8/10
Ending: 7/10
Writing:8 /10
Hero: Max- 8/10
Nate- 8/10
Heroine: 7/10
Steaminess: 7/10
Feels: 6/10
Humour: 7/10
HEA: tbc

Recommend: Yes
Re-read: Maybe
Read more from author: Yea

    baby-daddy f*cked-up-family love-triangle

Hazel *Craves the Angst Reviews*

770 reviews290 followers

June 2, 2014

This book!! Ugg.. It has me in knots!! 4.5 AWESOME STARS!! Nate, Hanna and Max. Decisions, Decisions!

Fall to You (Here and Now, #2) (35)

Find This and Other Reviews At Craves The Angst.

Fall to You is book two in the Here and Now series and is a Adult Contemporary Romance written by Lexi Ryan. I was gifted a copy from the author in exchange for an honest review through AToMR Tours.

4.5 Sizzling, Riveting Stars!
Where Do We Go From Here?!

The Review:
I’m so freaking torn!! Normally in a romance book, you have a clear image of who you want your heroine to be with and even in a love triangle, you at least have a cloudy view of where you want the story to end and most times are slanting one way to the other by middle way of the book. And to be honest, I don’t normally read triangle type stories because I don’t like the cheating aspect. But in this book? I’m so confused and torn and completely entranced by these characters and their situation. I don’t envy Hanna’s decision but this story has captivated me and I’m totally hooked! All of this is a testament to how well these books are written. I’m loving this series!

The first book opens up with Hanna in the hospital, battered and with no memory of how she got there or the last year of her life. The weight she’s struggled with her whole life is magically gone and she’s wearing an engagement ring from the man she’s been in love with for years but who never saw her as more than a friend. Little by little, she gets her memory back and finds her present isn’t the perfect life she thought she woke up to.

Fall to You opens three months before Hanna’s accident with Max’s POV and from there we are taken on a past and present “fill in the blanks” journey of what transpired with all three characters with alternating POV’s in a before and after Hanna’s accident format which I loved. It was easy to follow and it explained so much. I loved getting the full story of how Nate and Hanna met. Those two are sweet together even though most of their relationship was based on escape. They were both running from something but it turned in to so much more.

About middle way, the book practically picks up where the first ended and as the story unfolds, more pieces fall into line and the fallout from book one is slowly being worked through even as new problems arise. Max, Hanna and Nate are all in a tough situation.

I can’t even imagine how this will all end. First I’m rooting for one character, then I’m rooting for another. Things get very complicated in this second installment and everything I thought I knew gets totally dispelled, people I didn’t like or trust have now won me over and this love triangle is going to break everyone’s heart when everything is fully revealed and the decisions have been made. I have no idea whats going to happen when the dust finally settles but what I do know is that it’s going to be a tough road for the main characters as well as the reader.

Since the first book, I was distrustful of Max and his end game but we were only getting skewed Hanna’s POV filled with insecurities, doubt and memory loss. Since gifted with Max’s POV in this book, we see how much he’s suffering, how much he truly cares for Hanna and trust me, it made all the difference in how I first saw him. Yes, he made mistakes but I now think he’s genuine.

Nate was broken and tortured by things he thought were true about himself and his fear of hurting the one person he wanted to protect the most, his son, had him walling up his heart to any potential love or future family. In this second book, we see how Hanna breaks down those walls and he comes to want more. He’s sweet and caring and he sets Hanna at ease and allows her to be herself. Max would to but Hanna is so twisted up about her looks, she never lets her guard down around Max. Nate enables that freedom Hanna wants and needs.

And then there’s Hanna who created this entire mess because of her insecurities which were reinforced from a disapproving mother. My heart broke for her but I also just wanted to smack some sense into her. She let Meredith's manipulative ways keep her from the happiness she could have found and her heart strayed. This is a love triangle that's more complicated than any other I’ve read before because there seems to be no bad guy in this scenario... at least so far.

Who knows what book three will reveal. Hanna has two wonderful men, both accepting her for herself, both wanting her to choose them. It’s too bad she couldn’t see her own value.

And that ending..Wow. The mother of all cliffies. It was predictable and I saw it coming from a mile away but it broke my heart and had me cheering all at the same time.

The Wrap Up:
I still think there’s more to the story than we’ve seen so far. Something happened in the last days leading up to Hanna’s accident and memory loss. I have my suspicions and I feel confidant in them but who knows what’s going to happen! At this point, it could go either way. This book was edgy, revealing and super sexy. I am so ready for book three!

    arc contemporary-romance romance

Christine (Shh Moms Reading)

1,393 reviews568 followers

June 10, 2014

So I went into this book having a clear side, knowing which man I wanted Hanna to be with and Lexi has succeeded in pulling off what I didn't think was possible...I finished this book completely confused and loving both men, in different ways, but in love nonetheless.

I devoured this book..and when I say devoured I mean it consumed my every waking thought and every time I put it down to do something else, I would come right back to pick it up to continue reading. I finished it in one day all the while messaging Lexi like a lunatic with my theories, thoughts and crazy banter. :)
I distrusted Max so much in book 1, but reading from his POV in Fall to You showed me a different side of him; I heard his thoughts and know now that he has a heart. Max tries so hard in this book, is Hanna's complete Prince Charming doing everything right to win back the woman he loves. And yes though at times I still had problems trusting him completely with Hanna's heart, I couldn't help but grow to adore him.
Having all THREE points of view in this book, Hanna, Nate and Max was a real treat and really well done. Fall to You gives us more of the past and present, giving us a look into what we didn't know yet in book 1 and making the story of this threesome more complete. Hats off to Lexi for pulling this off because it's not always successfully done but she nailed it!

While I absolutely LOVED Nate in book 1, I started seeing a different side of him in this book, seeing him more selfish using Hanna to escape his darkness. Though not necessarily wrong because sometimes we need someone good to help us find our happiness, I wasn't certain if Hanna and Nate needed each other more out of love or as a way to escape the real world.

A lot of things happens in Fall to You that completely SHOCKED and SURPRISED me, lots of unexpected twists and turns that left a lump in my throat, tears in my eyes, and a slightly broken heart.

In the end, we know that there will be a conclusion to this journey of Hanna's in the next book. I was definitely left feeling crazy, emotional, happy yet sad at the same time. I don't envy the choices that these characters will have to make because in the end someone will be left with a broken heart; both men equally deserving but in the end only one will end up with the love of the woman of their dreams.

I truly enjoy the Here and Now series....it's not every day that multiple books in a series will completely captivate me or leave me wanting more but this one does it for me...I am left in complete book hangover completely hungry for All For This...thankfully the wait isn't too long as August is around the corner. I will continue to stalk the author til then hopefully she throws me a hint or two.

Thank you Ms. Ryan for an enjoyable series. You are definitely a must click author for me and I look forward to more from you! <3

co*cktails and Books

4,113 reviews324 followers

June 13, 2014

4.5 co*cktails

I'm generally not a huge fan of love triangles. The guy I want to girl to end up with generally doesn't or some weird plotline takes the story in a direction I didn't enjoy. But Lexi Ryan has me thoroughly enraptured in the love story between Nate, Max and Hanna. She's made me question who I want Hanna with and where I thought the storyline was going. Masterfully, Lexi Ryan has created a triangle that has me anxiously sitting on the edge of my seat waiting for the final book and just who Hanna will choose.

You can't reading FALL TO YOU without reading the first book in the series, LOST IN ME. This second book picks up right where the first left off and jumps right into answering some of the questions that were left hanging in the first book. We find out just what happened between Hanna and Nate that sent her running back home just days before her accident. We find out who Hanna's silent partner is at the bakery (and that was a shocker). And we discover just how true Max's feelings for Hanna are. But bigger questions pop up during the course of the story and by the time I got to the last page I was wondering who exactly Hanna was going to be with, because it can't be as easy as it looks.

Being firmly in the TEAM NATE camp, it made me a bit sad to see how far apart things seemed for Hanna and Nate. Nate had a single minded determination about how his life needed to be when it came to romantic relationships and his child. Unfortunately, that belief pushed Hanna towards Max and the promises the ring he gave her held.

We still don't know how Hanna ended up at the bottom of that staircase or what her late night visitor means for this trio. But I will say I'm anxiously awaiting to see just how this triangle to going to resolve. If you have picked up a Lexi Ryan book before, this series is one that I highly recommend. The author creates characters that a reader easily falls for and a storyline that leaves you begging for me.



1,686 reviews20 followers

June 6, 2014

Whereas the first book was a mystery to unravel Hanna's past after her bout with amnesia, this book has three POVs (Hanna, Max and Nate) and we learn a lot more about the past & more importantly how all three of them really feel. The most interesting part of the story is Hanna's insecurities about her weight & I believe it plays a starring role in how her love life becomes so complicated. Her mother constantly rides her about what she eats so it is no surprise that Hanna woke up from her accident much thinner with an apparent eating disorder. But the worst part is that she could never be physically intimate with Max & especially now after those nasty texts from Max's ex. But then why is Hanna able to get down & dirty with Nate? Because it isn't true love, it isn't meant to last? I don't know, I wouldn't count Nate out of the love triangle quite yet. I believe some men are put in your life for a reason, it might not be a forever relationship & that's ok. As we review Nate & Hanna's history together he certainly gave her self-esteem the boost it needed since he found her body incredibly sexy. And babies are everywhere in this second book so that complicates the situation. I didn't like Max in the first book but now seeing inside his head I am fighting for him to win back Hanna's love! One night Nate asks Hanna about her dreams for her future - and I can see Max giving Hanna everything she wants & secrets are revealed that he is working on doing just that. Max dated her out of pity at first but it quickly became love & if Hanna would have let him touch her she would have known how much he wanted her. Incredibly good story, major cliffhanger. I still don't know what happened to cause Hanna's accident & her feelings right up to that day so I can't wait to read book #3!!

Monica Alexander

Author31 books458 followers

July 6, 2014

It feels strange to be reviewing this book separately from the first, because they honestly felt like one long book - in a good way. The story flowed so seamlessly from "Lost in You" to "Fall to You", as secrets are uncovered and Hanna gains a little more perspective about what happened in the months leading up to her accident. You walk away having a much better understanding of the full story. The book also jumps from past to present a few times, which is good, because as much as it'll be exciting to see how this all ends, I loved the scenes from Hanna and Nate's past. The alternating POVs of Hanna, Max and Nate were fantastic, especially when perspective changed in the middle of a scene. They were brilliantly written and not at all confusing, which takes skill for a writer to pull off.

The book ends on an even bigger cliffhanger than the first, and the worst/best part is, as the reader, you are seriously torn between who you want Hanna to end up with. I was firmly on Team Nate by the end of the first book, but Max worked his way into my heart in this one. You learn so much more about him, and you can't help but love him to pieces. But Nate's still sweet, adorable, nerdy, hot, rock star Nate, so it's tough.

Again, there are still unanswered questions and missing pieces to the story, in addition to the question of how everything will turn out, so I'm super-intrigued to read book three, out in August. Glad I don't have to wait that long!



3,595 reviews474 followers

July 29, 2015

Hanna and Max or Nate. 3.5 stars.

The first book 'Lost in Me' was intriguing and having waited until all the books were out I was able to move straight onto this one.
I liked that we get the story from not only Hanna but also Max and Nate, I love books that have different POV it gives a better understanding of what's going on.
I said in my review of the previous book that I'm in this until the end, having already got the final book but I have to say I didn't like this as much, Hanna's lack of confidence and her self destruct tendencies started to wear on me a little, I know there's Meredith and a history but I found it hard to believe that Hanna couldn't believe Max actually wanted and desired her but yet she'd believe that international rock star Nate did!
I liked a lot about this book, I liked discovering more of Hanna's past and wondering what the future would bring, it ended on a cliffhanger of course but it was an obvious one so no surprises and we're really no further forward, it looks like it's all down to the last book.

Fantasy Beyond Pages

141 reviews3 followers

July 13, 2019

In my opinion this book was unnecessary it's just there to set the scene for book 3 with a bit of extra drama on top. The plot could have been slimmed down and added into the 3. Book the only thing that even made a full length novel possible was artificially constructed drama that nobody needed. Her mum's heart attack, him being declared dead. I loved the 1. book but this one really let me down and I hope the 3. one is better

This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.


316 reviews2 followers

January 4, 2015

You've got to be kinding me!!!!!!!!! She's killing me here! I couldn't wait after the first one, I definitely can't wait after this.
Again, Lexi Ryan didn't disapointe me. This book was amazing (except for the last page). And I'm still 100% Team Nate. But damn it sometimes I'm team Max too

Sarah :)

153 reviews

November 19, 2014

Couldn't put this down, read in a few hours! Defiantly be reading the next one tomorrow...if I didn't need some sleep I'd start now lol

    amazing angst cliff-hanger


193 reviews108 followers

June 4, 2021

TW: fat phobia, ED


2,055 reviews47 followers

August 2, 2021

Such a page turner

This book has so many twists and turns and ups and downs. The one plot twist I kept hoping for did happen and now I’m kinda torn about it. Guess I’ll just have to read book 3 and hope for a HEA.

Only book 1 of this trilogy was a #readforkimberly book but if I’m reading them all so is she! #notevendeathstopsyourtbrfromgrowing

    e-books readforkimberly

Shawna Shauntia

480 reviews20 followers

June 4, 2014

Fall to You (Here and Now, #2) (47)

I've attempted this review in my head so many times and I find myself a complete at a loss

Fall to You (Here and Now, #2) (48)

I’m not sure how I should feel. Its almost too much. Ms. Ryan or anyone for that matter tell me how I should feel. Like most that read Lost in Me I spent my time in a drunken haze until I got my hands on this little lovely Fall to You. The moment when the last page came I’m back where I started in a haze looking like a drunken prom date with no morals.

Fall to You (Here and Now, #2) (49)

Fall to You picks up where Lost in Me left off and the timeline continues to do the flashback thing that it does, but no worries you shouldn't get lost. Also Fall to You is written in a almost triple POV manner, but again it wasn't confusing or anything annoying like.

So things are starting to come together for Hanna and of course you have no choice to be excited because the puzzle is coming together. It was hard not to focus. I wanted to know everything she didn't remember, which is now coming to the light. It was liberating.
Fall to You (Here and Now, #2) (50)

Nate was proving to be the one I adored, even more than before. Never mind the fact he kept saying that he didn't make promises. I heard his voice saying otherwise in my head. Just when I thought it was safe for #TeamNate I get suckered punch causing me to be an emotional messing. I didn't know how I was going to move forward. TBT I still have no clue.

Fall to You (Here and Now, #2) (51)

Max aggghhh I hate that I think I might love him to. I

wanted needed him to be the douche I thought he was. He threw all of my emotions and stuff that I felt for him out the window. Leaving me even more torn. Whyyyyyy.

Fall to You (Here and Now, #2) (52)

At some point I said to myself this is how life is going to be from here on out and I think I’m ok with that. Then….wait for….you guessed it another sucker punch and just before I went down I was junked punched.

Fall to You (Here and Now, #2) (53)

Emotions aside I hands down without a question love the direction Ms. Ryan is taking this Here and Now series thus far. I just don’t know if I can wait until it’s release. I may lose a liver in the process, but I think I can be ok with that... I may have to be.

**I'm pleased to say that I was gifted an arc copy in exchange for my honest opinion**

Fall to You (Here and Now, #2) (54)


429 reviews22 followers

June 10, 2014

My love for Lexi Ryan and this series continues with this book. Seriously.

If you read my review for Lost in You, the first book in the Here and Now series, you know I was all kinds of

Fall to You (Here and Now, #2) (56)

for the next book. I wanted it bad.

Fall to You (Here and Now, #2) (57)

So when I saw the sign ups for the tour for this book and when I got my ARC, it was all kinds of awesome.
This book was everything I wanted it to be and more.

Fall to You (Here and Now, #2) (58)

Continuing with chapters that alternate not only between the past and the present, we also get POVs from Hanna, Nate and Max. While that may seem like a lot of jumping around, it makes perfect sense in the book. The relationship between these characters is complicated and you definitely need these different perspectives to see how they all fit together.

Especially since the different perspectives make you realize that maybe what you think you know isn't really as black and white as you think it may be.

I say this because I found myself feeling things I did NOT expect to feel.

Fall to You (Here and Now, #2) (59)

I found myself thinking that maybe I had misjudged characters from the first book, that maybe I wasn't seeing them clearly through my Nate-inspired-swoons. And dear LORD, there are swoons. And blushes. And even a little

Fall to You (Here and Now, #2) (60)

Then something happened that really knocked me for a loop. And while I hoped hoped HOPED that I knew how things would eventually turn out, I wasn't sure and didn't want to get my hopes up even though they were already. (And no, I'm not going to tell you, so don't even ask.)
BUT, I like to believe that everything happens for a reason and during this part of the book, Hanna is allowed a chance to take control of her life. All the confusion, all the conflicting emotions, all the (misplaced) loyalties...she finally gets the chance to start figuring out what SHE wants.
And as much as I didn't think I'd ever say this when I started reading this book, I was even a happy for where things were heading.

Yeah, I said it.

But then it happened. The ending.

Fall to You (Here and Now, #2) (61)

The cliffie that I SHOULD have been expecting since it is quite obvious that Lexi Ryan likes to make me suffer. I mean...I WANT TO KNOW NOW.

Why is it not August yet?!?!?!

And yet, in a sick sort of way, I kind of enjoy the not knowing -- not a lot, but it is almost like the week before Christmas when the anticipation starts building and you can see the presents but you can't open them. But instead of secretly unwrapping them when nobody is looking (which I will neither confirm nor deny ever doing), I'm going to sit patiently and wait for the email to come that will let me sign up for the next tour.

I'm gonna be first on that list.

This review can also be found on my blog, Flutters and Flails

Chiara Cilli

Author62 books627 followers

July 5, 2015

Fall to You (Here and Now, #2) (63)

Penso che ormai tutti voi sappiate che ho una passione travolgente per i triangoli amorosi e cerco sempre di non farmi mai sfuggire un romanzo del genere. So che sono una delle poche lettrici non solo in Italia, ma anche oltreoceano a spasimare per questo tipo di storie, ciononostante durante la lettura di questo libro ho scoperto di avere anch'io un limite.

Non approvo un tradimento dettato dalla ripicca.

Vi ricordate che ne avevo avuto il sentore fin dal primo libro? Ecco, in questo secondo volume è la stessa Hanna ad ammetterlo, persino dinanzi a Nate. Ed è veramente una cosa brutta, a mio parere :( confesso che Hanna sfiora quasi la meschinità di Olivia (la protagonista della trilogia di Tarryn Fisher, Love me with lies.) Io accetto il tradimento quando tu incontri un altro uomo e puff, te ne innamori e non puoi farci niente. Ma quando te ne vai in giro vestita da zoccola e poi ti fai sbattere da uno sconosciuto perché hai litigato con il fidanzatino . . . orrore.

In Verità scambiatecapiamo perfettamente che Hanna corre sempre a farsi fare i grattini da Nate per il semplice fatto che lui le fa gli occhi a cuoricino ogni volta che la vede. Bisogna tener conto che per una persona come Hanna, con un'autostima così bassa, sentirsi osservate con tale desiderio è come una droga. E da brava tossica, lei ne vuole sempre di più.

Ancora una volta, con più passione, Max risulta essere il personaggio più bello e interessante ▬ e se solo Hanna non si fosse messa volontariamente le fette di salame davanti agli occhi per elemosinare un po' delle attenzioni di Nate, si sarebbe accorta che, permettendoglielo, permettendogli di essere l'uomo focoso che è, Max avrebbe potuto venerarla come una dea. Ah, e la rivelazione della pasticceria?! Oh, chetati, mio cuore ♥ Quello, ragazze mie, si chiama amore con la A maiuscola!

Ma la ragione principale per cui questo secondo libro non ha meritato neppure la sufficienza non sta tanto nel triangolo amoroso, quanto nella trama. In Ricordi rubatisiamo partiti con un ritmo serrato in cui tentavamo di scovare tra i protagonisti il responsabile delle percosse e della caduta di Hanna. Personalmente, la suspense mi aveva quasi attanagliato ed ero arrivata a eleggere ben tre sospettati. Quando ho iniziato a leggere il secondo romanzo, ero tutta contenta perché ero sicura si sarebbero aggiunti nuovi elementi all'indagine che mi avrebbero portato a individuare il colpavole . . .

Invece Verità scambiatenon è più un NA suspense O_O
E' un romance normale.
E non venitemi a dire che sul finale c'è il colpo di scena, cazzo, perché quello NON è un colpo di scena.

E' tutto concentrato sui rapporti sessuali tra Hanna e Nate ▬ e oh, guarda un po' il caso, di chi è il figlio che lei aspetta? E' terribile che abbia deciso di donare la propria verginità a un tizio che a malapena conosce, invece che al ragazzo di cui è innamorata da sempre. E ora avranno anche un marmocchio o.O bleahhh!!!
E siamo realisti, secondo voi Hanna chi potrebbe mai scegliere tra Max e Nate, padre del bambino che porta in grembo? Come direbbe Cesare Cesaroni, che amarezza :(

In conclusione, due stelle perché a nessuno è più fregato nulla di scoprire come mai Hanna era piena di tumefazioni che la caduta dalle scale non avrebbe potuto causarle. Ma soprattutto ↓

Si può sapere chi cavolo l'ha spinta?
Bah, mistero.
Ho paura che non lo scopriremo mai perché il lato suspense della storia è stato sepolto.

P.s. Avrei voluto dare una stella, ma lo stile dell'autrice è comunque impeccabile, quindi una stellina è tutta per la sua scrittura fluida e scorrevole.


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Fall to You (Here and Now, #2) (64)

Ana Quiambao

236 reviews16 followers

January 14, 2015

Oooowwhhh.. so that’s what happened. This book is the second installment for Here and Now series of Lexi Ryan. It’s an alternating story of "before and after" the accident of Hannah. For readers, you better read the first book first before jumping right off on this book. I myself, got confused while reading this even if I did read the first book. Haha!

It’s good to know exactly what happened to Hannah during those missing years of her life and know what happened after book 1 ended. I need to put a spoiler alert here 'coz it’s really hard to rant without spoiling anything.

Let’s start with all my questions in book 1. So why did she pulled away from her twin sister? Well, this was definitely answered here. I guess I understand Hannah here. With her insecurities and all, knowing that your all-time crush turned to be fiancé started to date you just because your sister asked him to. And because that certain sister was asked first. Really? And in the end, to find out that that sister liked him too?! And because she’s too selfless and all, she gave way for you? Twisted? At that part, I guess I sort of saw Hannah as self-centered, going with the flow, or maybe, clueless?

Then there’s Max’s real intention was cleared in this book, he’s actually the good guy, the boy-next-door type and Hannah became the cheating girl. I was bit confused here. I was made to believe Max was the bad guy, the jerk that’s using Hannah for the money and all. But no?! He’s really the good guy and I was about to kill Hannah myself for letting go the good guy? Why on earth do good guys always lose against the bad guy? Frustrating… Well to be fair, Nate is not actually a bad guy, but he kind of is here compared to Max. Max is the one willing to wait and marry her and Nate was the one who wont' commit. Or maybe not.

And Hannah? I kind of hated Hannah here. I know she’s confuse, I understand that, and I know she’s having a hard time. With the amnesia and the pregnancy without knowing who the father is, I get her. But it’s not an excuse to be with one man then jumped right off to the other when the going gets tough. Is it all about sex? Because I am having doubt if she’s really in love with either of them. At book 1, she decided she’s choosing Nate even if they’re over. I admired her for that. Then, when Nate dies, she suddenly grabbed Max. Seriously? Is this how she’s coping? This girl is giving me a heart attack. I think I need to come with her mother in the hospital for a check-up. So in the end, when Nate returned (as expected and what a cliff hanger!) I laughed! I think Hannah deserves this, to be confused and all. I pity Max most of all. Because when Hannah gets confuse, she’s going to turn to Nate (this is what I expect ) and Max will be left alone once again. So Hannah, I hope you choose wisely and please, please,be careful to these men’s hearts. Especially Max. Oh well, I guess I started to fall for Max. haha

This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.

Fall to You (Here and Now, #2) (2024)
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Author: Clemencia Bogisich Ret

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Name: Clemencia Bogisich Ret

Birthday: 2001-07-17

Address: Suite 794 53887 Geri Spring, West Cristentown, KY 54855

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Hobby: Yoga, Electronics, Rafting, Lockpicking, Inline skating, Puzzles, scrapbook

Introduction: My name is Clemencia Bogisich Ret, I am a super, outstanding, graceful, friendly, vast, comfortable, agreeable person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.